Best Universities to Study MBA in the World

Are you thinking about studying an MBA and want to make sure you choose the best university? In this article, we present the 10 best universities in the world to pursue an MBA, where you can find detailed information about each institution, its strengths, the number of international students, the student/faculty ratio, campus life, and connections to the industry. Don’t miss this opportunity to find out which university is right for you.

1. Harvard University

Harvard University is recognized worldwide for its prestigious MBA program, which is based on academic excellence and the well-rounded education of its students. It stands out for its renowned faculty and strong connections to the industry.

2. Stanford University

Stanford University offers an MBA program with a high focus on innovation and entrepreneurship. Its hands-on approach and location in Silicon Valley make this university an excellent choice for those interested in the business and tech world.


INSEAD is a leading university in international business education. It stands out for its multicultural approach and its ability to train global leaders. In addition, it has campuses in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, giving students a unique global perspective.

4. London Business School

The London Business School is among Europe’s leading educational institutions for business studies. It offers a wide variety of MBA programs in different formats and stands out for its focus on business theory and practice.

5. University of Pennsylvania (Wharton)

The University of Pennsylvania, and particularly its Wharton business school, is recognized as one of the best in the world to study an MBA. It stands out for its focus on research and business analysis, as well as its strong connections to the financial industry.

6. MIT Sloan School of Management

The MIT Sloan School of Management offers a highly innovative MBA program focused on technology leadership. This university stands out for its focus on solving complex problems and its close collaboration with the tech industry.

7. Columbia Business School

Columbia Business School is renowned for its dynamic learning environment and emphasis on training global business leaders. It stands out for its focus on case studies and its location in New York City, which provides numerous networking and employment opportunities.

8. HEC Paris

HEC Paris is one of Europe’s leading educational institutions in the field of business and management. Its MBA program stands out for its focus on business globalization and its ability to train visionary leaders.

9. University of Chicago (Booth)

The University of Chicago, and specifically the Booth School of Business, is renowned for its analytical approach and emphasis on research. Its MBA program stands out for its academic rigor and preparation to face the most complex business challenges.

Read more: Best Universities to Study World Theology

10. IMD Business School

IMD Business School distinguishes itself by offering a highly personalized and results-oriented MBA prografm. It stands out for its focus on leadership development and its ability to prepare students for global business challenges.

University Notable Strengths Guy International Students Student/Teacher Ratio Campus Life Industry Connections
Harvard University Academic Excellence, Renowned Faculty Private 30% 7:1 Extracurricular activities, cultural events Extensive connections to the world’s leading companies and organizations
Stanford University Innovation, entrepreneurship Private 42% 5:1 Student clubs, sports facilities Close connections with Silicon Valley companies
INSEAD Multicultural Culture, Global Leadership Private 95% 12:1 International events, social activities Extensive alumni network around the world
London Business School Business theory and practice, European prestige Private 90% 6:1 Student clubs, cultural events Connections to London’s financial industry
University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) Research, Business Analysis Private 34% 8:1 College Sports, Student Organizations Close connections to Wall Street’s financial industry
MIT Sloan School of Management Technology Leadership, Problem Solving Private 32% 9:1 Student Clubs, Tech Events Collaboration with Boston’s thriving tech industry
Columbia Business School Global Business Leaders Training, Case Studies Private 42% 7:1 Extracurricular activities, urban life in New York Access to top companies and networking opportunities in New York
HEC Paris Business Globalization, Visionary Leadership Private 92% 10:1 Vibrant student life, arts activities Connections with leading companies in Europe and globally
University of Chicago (Booth) Analytical Approach, Research Private 33% 6:1 Student Clubs, Academic Events Connections to Chicago’s financial and business industry
IMD Business School Personalized Program, Results-Oriented Leadership Private 98% 8:1 Outdoor activities, personal development Collaboration with industry-leading companies and business leaders

What is the Best University to Study MBA in the World?

The National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) is considered one of the best universities in the world. Founded in 1551, it has a long tradition and prestige in higher education. Its commitment to research, teaching and the dissemination of culture have positioned it as a benchmark in Latin America and globally.

On the one hand, UNAM stands out for its academic excellence. It has a wide and diverse educational offer, with more than 100 bachelor’s degrees and 208 postgraduate programs in various areas of knowledge. In addition, it has a highly qualified faculty, made up of experts in their respective disciplines. This allows students to access quality training and acquire the necessary knowledge to face the challenges of the world of work.

On the other hand, UNAM stands out for its commitment to research. He is a leader in scientific production in Mexico and has made important contributions in various areas of knowledge. In addition, it has an extensive infrastructure and resources for the development of research, which encourages the active participation of its students in research projects.

Finally, UNAM’s cultural influence is undeniable. Throughout its history, it has been the birthplace of outstanding artists, writers and thinkers who have enriched the cultural panorama of Mexico and the world. In addition, UNAM promotes the dissemination of culture through museums, cultural centers and artistic activities open to the general public.

Read more: Best Universities to Study Law in the World

In summary, the National Autonomous University of Mexico stands out for its academic excellence, its commitment to research, and its cultural influence. These factors make it a globally recognized institution and an option to consider for those looking for quality training.


How much does it cost to study an MBA?

The cost of studying an MBA can vary depending on different factors, such as the reputation and location of the university, the length of the program, and the mode of study (full-time or part-time).

In general, MBA programs at reputable universities tend to have higher tuition fees. For example, in the United States, some of the best universities to study MBAs, such as Harvard, Stanford, or Wharton, may have tuition fees that exceed $100,000 per year.

However, there are other, cheaper options, both in the United States and in other countries. Some colleges offer scholarships and financial aid for outstanding students, which can decrease the cost of the degree.

In addition to tuition, other associated expenses must be considered, such as study materials, transportation, accommodation, and meals. These expenses can vary depending on the location of the college and the student’s lifestyle.

It’s important to do your research and compare the costs of different colleges before making a decision. It is also recommended to evaluate the long-term return on investment, considering the job and salary opportunities that an MBA provides.

What is the salary of an MBA professional?

The salary of an MBA professional can vary considerably depending on different factors, such as the institution from which they graduated, the chosen specialization, geographic location, and previous work experience.

In general, professionals with MBAs tend to receive higher salaries than those without this degree. According to various studies, MBA graduates can have an average salary increase of around 40% compared to their pre-degree salaries.

The average salary for an MBA professional also varies by country. For example, in the United States, the average salary for an MBA graduate can range from $90,000 to $120,000 per year. However, this can increase significantly in senior management roles and in industries such as consulting or finance.

It’s important to note that salary isn’t the only factor to consider when making the decision to study an MBA. The growth and job opportunities provided by this specialization, as well as individual career interests and goals, should also be evaluated.

What is the admission process like to study MBA?

The admissions process for studying an MBA can vary depending on the university and the specific program to which you apply. However, in general, there are some common requirements that are usually evaluated during the selection process.

– Academic evaluation: Grades obtained during the previous university degree are reviewed, as well as scores from standardized tests such as the GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) or the GRE (Graduate Record Examination).

– Work experience: Many MBA programs require a certain number of years of prior work experience. This is assessed through resumes, letters of recommendation, and potential interviews.

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